SRI DEV SUMAN UNIVERSITY RESULT 2016: SRI DEV SUMAN UNIVERSITY Badshahi Thol Tehari Garhwal Uttarakhand is a State University of Uttarakhand State. It runs many Traditional and Professional Courses. It has many Institutes and Colleges in Garhwal Mandal in Uttarakhand. University has been Conducted Main Examination of session 2015 – 2016 in Month of May and June. University Main Exams have been over on June, 30th , 2016. University is starting declare Result of Main Examination of session 2015 – 2016. First of all S D S University announced its M. B. A. final year result on 6th August, 2016. S D S University announced M. A. final results of Sanskrit, Sociology and Economics. Candidates can see their result through Official website.